Tisovec Lutheran High School      
bilingual Slovak-English


Theatre workshop

We actors are a bunch, which is always hungry for improvement and education, and we are ready to take every opportunity to satisfy this need. One such opportunity was a workshop, which took place last weekend (September 14-15, 2019) in the Tisovec community center (MsKS).
The workshop was focused on dramaturgy and directing, and was organised by TisArt association. We attended as a group composed of Slavomír Šmídt, Peter Purdek and Marianna Výborná. We were also accompanied by Jakub Mudrák - a graduate of University of Art (VŠMU) in Bratislava, who served as our lecturer over the course of the workshop.
It is safe to say that we have left the workshop filled with excitement and a great deal of new ideas which we are eager to use in our future work.

text and photo: Marianna Výborná, 4. A

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Divadelný workšop

My divadelníci sme už raz takí, chceme sa vzdelávať a sme pripravení využiť preto každú príležitosť. Jednou z takýchto príležitostí bol aj workshop, ktorý prebiehal tento víkend (14.- 15. septembra 2019) v MsKS v Tisovci.
Išlo o workshop zameraný na dramaturgiu a réžiu a organizovalo ho združenie TisArt. Zúčastnili sme sa ho v zložení - Slavomír Šmídt, Peter Purdek a Marianna Výborná. Počas workshopu s nami nepretržite pracoval absolvent VŠMU v Bratislave Jakub Mudrák. Z workshopu sme odchádzali nadšení, keďže sme sa dozvedeli veľa zaujímavých nápadov, ktoré sme pripravení využiť v našej ďalšej práci.

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Tisovec Lutheran High School, Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec, 047 5511 700, skola@egt.sk